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2013 Meteor Shower: Perseid Meteor Shower Set to Peak on August 11 and 12 [PHOTOS]

While waiting for Comet ISON’s near-Earth approach in December, spectators can witness first a stunning display coming from the 2013 Perseid meteor shower. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) describes the annual space event as the “best meteor shower of the year” and it is set to peak during the nights of August 11 and 12.

Trending, Viral Memes as Criminal Offence? PH Senator Nancy Binay Draws Flak Over Bill [MEMES]

Trending, viral memes circulating social media channels could soon send netizens to jail. Philippine senator Nancy Binay has proposed the Electronic Violence Against Women (E-VAW) Law of 2013, a bill against "electronic violence." On Facebook, social media users referred to the bill as anti-meme, a retribution to those who had mocked the senator through memes during the campaign.

Mothers Who Kill: Kristi Abrahams and Other Psycho Mamas of 2013

It may sound sappy, but the bond between a mother and her children run thicker than blood even. But what happens when mothers turn killers of their own children? One such high profile case has been the brutal murder of Keisha Abraham by her own mother, Kristi. And it wasn't just the murder but the cover-up story that Kristi concocted to get away scot-free that has made her one of Australia’s most hated mothers.

Dale Irby: Texas Gym Teacher Wears the Same Clothes in School Yearbook for 40 Years [PHOTOS]

A Dallas, Texas gym teacher named Dale Irby caught the attention of social media Web sites when pictures of him surfaced wearing the same clothes for 40 years in the school yearbook. The 63-year-old Prestonwood Elementary school teacher unintentionally wore the same collared disco shirt with V-necked brown tank top in two successive yearbook photos, and his wife, Cathy, dared him to do it again for the third time.
