Taliban Claims Prince Harry Has Gone Mental [PHOTOS]

Talibans were not impressed with Prince Harry after the Royal family member compared his Afghanistan mission to playing video games. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid claimed that Prince Harry may have developed mental problems during his 20-week duty in Afghanistan.
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Grumpy Cat Meme: Grouchy on Manic Monday? Angry Feline Says, 'You're not alone' [PHOTOS]

Feeling grouchy on a Monday? Grumpy Cat is with you. A lot of cats on Reddit, Instagram and Facebook look adorable, cute and friendly. Grumpy Cat hates them all. But then this perennially cranky cat hates everything. Grumpy Cat has been on different social networks, whining about life, special occasions and commentaries on trending topics of the day.

Tasmania Bushfire: Police Braces for Deaths [PHOTOS]

Tasmania Police Inspector John Arnold confirmed that majority of the 100 names listed on the missing persons list were finally located amidst the horrible Tasmania bushfire. According to ABC Radio reports, Inspector Arnold also declared that there is no death report yet based on the information that the police currently have.

Prince Harry Kills Taliban Chief in Afghanistan

For the first time, Prince Harry has reportedly killed a Taliban chief in Afghanistan. The Royal Prince, who is an Apache pilot, released a missile strike to eradicate the terrorist leader in the late of October.

#Burn: MySpace Tom Tweets About Instagram, Strikes Back at Hater, Asks ‘Did I win?’ [PHOTOS]

MySpace co-founder Tom Anderson drew applause on Twitter after answering back to a hater who says he was unable to "keep a social network alive." Anderson aka MySpaceTom was reacting on "fear over Instagram's terms change" via his @myspacetom account on Twitter. He describes the fear to be "ridiculous," adding, "Get real, folks!" User @polotapia tweets back, "says the guys that [sic] was not able to keep a social network alive."

R.I.P. Patrick Moore: Tribute to a Legendary British Astronomer [PHOTOS]

Sir Patrick Moore, the world-renowned British astronomer whose works advanced the study of space and encouraged the common folk to "look up," died Sunday at his West Sussex home. He was 89. A series of tributes flooded Twitter and Tumblr following the announcement of Sir Patrick's death.

NASA Space Spider Survived 100 Days in Outer Space But Dies at National Museum in D.C.

NASA grieves over the loss of space spider “Nefertiti” last Monday at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. after surviving 100 days in outer space aboard the International Space Station. The experiment mission was designed to conclude if a spider dependent on gravity while catching their food can settle in and survive in micro gravity.

NASA Scientists Latest Discovery: Moon is Battered and Cracked Under Surface

NASA scientists stated the moon’s surface has been receiving massive impacts from numerous asteroids and comets. Latest information obtained from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission reveal the nearly crushed lunar interior just below the surface. In conclusion, planet Earth as well as other terrestrial planets in the Solar System may have also endured the attacks of space rocks.

World’s Tallest Woman Died at the Age of 40 in China

In 20120, Yao Defen of eastern China’s Anhui province was recognized as the tallest woman in the world in the Guinness World Records where she stood at 2.33 meters tall. Sadly, the world’s tallest woman already passed away last November 13.

NASA Voyager 1 Spacecraft Go Through New Layer of the Solar System

The long-running Voyager 1 Spacecraft of NASA reportedly entered a new layer of the solar system where scientists are unaware of. NASA scientists have now named this area “Magnetic Highway” and further claimed it is the final stop before the interstellar space. The astounding scientific discovery was made known to the public on Monday at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco, California.

NASA Captured Images of Near-Earth Asteroid 2007 PA8 [PHOTOS]

NASA scientists captured images of near-Earth Asteroid 2007 PA8 with the Deep Space Network antenna at Goldstone, California between October 31 and November 13, 2012. NASA described the asteroid in the released images as an irregularly shaped and stretched-out object with ridges and craters.

Apple Gadgets Up For Grabs on Australia’s Black Friday Sale [PHOTOS]

Today, technology giant Apple will be hosting a 24-hour in-shop and online sale for gadget consumers in Australia. The iPod Touch, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air including the Retina models are all offered with a lower price but the well-known iPhone is not listed on the discounted items.
