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World’s Tallest Woman Died at the Age of 40 in China

In 20120, Yao Defen of eastern China’s Anhui province was recognized as the tallest woman in the world in the Guinness World Records where she stood at 2.33 meters tall. Sadly, the world’s tallest woman already passed away last November 13.

NASA Voyager 1 Spacecraft Go Through New Layer of the Solar System

The long-running Voyager 1 Spacecraft of NASA reportedly entered a new layer of the solar system where scientists are unaware of. NASA scientists have now named this area “Magnetic Highway” and further claimed it is the final stop before the interstellar space. The astounding scientific discovery was made known to the public on Monday at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco, California.

NASA Captured Images of Near-Earth Asteroid 2007 PA8 [PHOTOS]

NASA scientists captured images of near-Earth Asteroid 2007 PA8 with the Deep Space Network antenna at Goldstone, California between October 31 and November 13, 2012. NASA described the asteroid in the released images as an irregularly shaped and stretched-out object with ridges and craters.

Apple Gadgets Up For Grabs on Australia’s Black Friday Sale [PHOTOS]

Today, technology giant Apple will be hosting a 24-hour in-shop and online sale for gadget consumers in Australia. The iPod Touch, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air including the Retina models are all offered with a lower price but the well-known iPhone is not listed on the discounted items.

Best Place and Time to Witness the 2012 Leonid Meteor Shower

On November 17, the Leonid meteor shower will be visible under the dark skies with estimated 10-15 meteors per hour during its peak at 3 a.m. EST. Viewers should pick a nice spot in order to witness the rare event as the meteor shower shoot across the skies of Florissant, Waukee and Chicago.

Total Solar Eclipse 2012: 10 of the Best Photos Uploaded to Instagram [PHOTOS]

The visibility of the total solar eclipse in Cairns, Queensland in Australia had been a much anticipated event for "umbraphiles," or those who travel across the world to chase eclipses. Click on the accompanying slideshow to see some 10 of the best solar eclipse photos uploaded to Instagram during and right after the eclipse.

Solar Eclipse in Australia Attracts Travelers

People who wish to see the amazing two-minute solar eclipse have started gathering on the far north of Queensland. On November 14, shortly after dawn at 6:30am, the Australian sky will grow darker as the moon passes in front of the sun. Without any weather disturbance, the sky-gazers will witness a black disk in the sky with the sun’s shining halo surrounding it.

Halloween Family Cosplay Suggestions on 9GAG Memes

Trick or Treat? Many users of the meme website have uploaded cosplay images in honour of their favorite pop icons and characters. Here is a small compilation of cosplay photos that you and your family can use as a reference for your upcoming "Trick or Treat."

Funny Memes: The Humour of the Nerds and the Geeks

"Smart is the new sexy," says the hit CBS sitcom about geek scientists, "The Big Bang Theory," one of the best comedy series today. Brainy people can be very funny, indeed. Perhaps the reason why there are several nerd and geek memes making the rounds on the internet is because the funniest memes are created by the nerds and the geeks themselves.

10 of the Best ‘Keep Calm’ Memes for any Situation

“Keep calm and carry on,” is one of the most popular memes permeating social networks. Its varieties are typically witty if not notoriously hilarious. “Keep Calm” memes are so ubiquitous in social networks, that it is hard to imagine any situation that does not have a matching “keep calm” meme.

Fresco Jesus: Funny Twitter Photos Gone Viral after ‘Worst Art Restoration’ [PHOTOS]

Twitter user ‘Fresco Jesus’ became an internet sensation after a Spanish grandmother tried-but-failed to restore a 120-year-old church fresco. The century-old artwork, titled “Ecce Homo” (Behold The Man), features a sorrowful Jesus Christ wearing a crown of thorns and looking up to the heavens. The 'worst restoration' has been dubbed, “Ecce Mono” (Behold the Monkey).
