In 20120, Yao Defen of eastern China’s Anhui province was recognized as the tallest woman in the world in the Guinness World Records where she stood at 2.33 meters tall. Sadly, the world’s tallest woman already passed away last November 13.
The long-running Voyager 1 Spacecraft of NASA reportedly entered a new layer of the solar system where scientists are unaware of. NASA scientists have now named this area “Magnetic Highway” and further claimed it is the final stop before the interstellar space. The astounding scientific discovery was made known to the public on Monday at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco, California.
With the holiday season fast approaching, a lot of people will surely include one these famous smart phones on their wish list: Nokia Lumia 920, Apple’s iPhone 5 or Samsung Galaxy S3. Which one is your Christmas choice?
Environmentalists are against the decision of Australia’s chemical regulator to continue the use of Diuron. WWF (World Wildlife Fund) declared the toxic pesticide could destroy the Great Barrier Reef and put the health of residents at risk if not completely banned.
The LG-made smart phone Google Nexus 4 is currently facing the dilemma of low supply and high demand. As a consequence, LG Nexus 4 price is more expensive compared to Samsung Galaxy S3 that is easily obtainable worldwide.
NASA scientists captured images of near-Earth Asteroid 2007 PA8 with the Deep Space Network antenna at Goldstone, California between October 31 and November 13, 2012. NASA described the asteroid in the released images as an irregularly shaped and stretched-out object with ridges and craters.
Today, technology giant Apple will be hosting a 24-hour in-shop and online sale for gadget consumers in Australia. The iPod Touch, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air including the Retina models are all offered with a lower price but the well-known iPhone is not listed on the discounted items.
NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory HD camera captured the image of a massive sun eruption. Fortunately, the Earth’s surface is far away from the scorching plasma unleashed otherwise our planet might have been wiped out.
On November 17, the Leonid meteor shower will be visible under the dark skies with estimated 10-15 meteors per hour during its peak at 3 a.m. EST. Viewers should pick a nice spot in order to witness the rare event as the meteor shower shoot across the skies of Florissant, Waukee and Chicago.
In Cairns and Port Douglas, thousands of spectators who lined up the shores applauded and burst into tears after experiencing darkness for two minutes with the extraordinary total solar eclipse.
The visibility of the total solar eclipse in Cairns, Queensland in Australia had been a much anticipated event for "umbraphiles," or those who travel across the world to chase eclipses. Click on the accompanying slideshow to see some 10 of the best solar eclipse photos uploaded to Instagram during and right after the eclipse.
People who wish to see the amazing two-minute solar eclipse have started gathering on the far north of Queensland. On November 14, shortly after dawn at 6:30am, the Australian sky will grow darker as the moon passes in front of the sun. Without any weather disturbance, the sky-gazers will witness a black disk in the sky with the sun’s shining halo surrounding it.
A total solar eclipse is expected to briefly envelope Cairns in darkness on Wednesday. Total eclipse chasers around the world will be gathering in this Far North Queensland city in Australia for the grand astronomical event.
In Victoria, a two-and-a-half-year-old toddler had gone missing, but his pet dog kept him company and eventually led police to where he's gone. On the humour site, photos of dogs and children are often uploaded albeit with funny captions. The cute images show a special bond between pets and kids.
Astronomers were left shocked after witnessing a meteor flash up the California sky. The meteor was reportedly noticeable over the San Francisco Bay area as well as the other parts of Northern California.
Sandy is pummeling the U.S. East Coast Monday night, coinciding with a full moon which intensifies its fury. Social networks are busy receiving photo uploads, shout outs and status updates from its users. See some of these #Sandy images in the accompanying slideshow.
The human brain is perceived to be sending mixed signals sometimes. It is your brain that makes you note it's time to sleep. Yet it won't let you sleep. This is just one of the main points of "scumbag brain" memes.
Instagram app users are photo-blogging their favorite things on the planet – gardens, hobbies, pets, you name it, Instagram has it. One thing you can see from this mobile app is a steady upload of feline photos.
Trick or Treat? Many users of the meme website have uploaded cosplay images in honour of their favorite pop icons and characters. Here is a small compilation of cosplay photos that you and your family can use as a reference for your upcoming "Trick or Treat."
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has probably realized by now that Big Bird could rival him well in terms of gathering support from the Americans. A presidential candidate does not simply announce that he "loves Big Bird" without expecting a surge of memes on the internet. Especially if Big Bird will lose his job.
"Smart is the new sexy," says the hit CBS sitcom about geek scientists, "The Big Bang Theory," one of the best comedy series today. Brainy people can be very funny, indeed. Perhaps the reason why there are several nerd and geek memes making the rounds on the internet is because the funniest memes are created by the nerds and the geeks themselves.
“Dude, you’ve been friendzoned!” Say what? People who get too close to being in a relationship with someone they like sometimes find themselves in the dreaded “friend zone.”
Some iPhone 5 enthusiasts are very unhappy with Samsung’s latest mock-the-Apple-fans campaign. Other observers have had enough of the hype. And then the rest just keeps on reading, spreading and creating funny memes about Samsung Galaxy S III and Apple iPhone 5.
“Keep calm and carry on,” is one of the most popular memes permeating social networks. Its varieties are typically witty if not notoriously hilarious. “Keep Calm” memes are so ubiquitous in social networks, that it is hard to imagine any situation that does not have a matching “keep calm” meme.
Gina Rinehart drew much flak after publishing an advice of some sort to Aussies getting minimum wage, saying those who are "jealous of those with more money" should "spend less time drinking, or smoking and socializing and more time working." See some of the "Scumbag Gina Rinehart" memes circulating on the Web.
Twitter user ‘Fresco Jesus’ became an internet sensation after a Spanish grandmother tried-but-failed to restore a 120-year-old church fresco. The century-old artwork, titled “Ecce Homo” (Behold The Man), features a sorrowful Jesus Christ wearing a crown of thorns and looking up to the heavens. The 'worst restoration' has been dubbed, “Ecce Mono” (Behold the Monkey).
An estimated sixty percent of the Philippine capital is still submerged in floodwaters as a result of incessant monsoon downpour lasting over a week. The government and several aid agencies are rushing to help those badly affected by the unstoppable Habagat (wet season monsoon).
Cats and kittens have been "speaking up" on Facebook, thanks to and other meme-focused websites spreading some cat lovin' on the web. Cats can be so cold, defiant and snooty. Yet in spite of their stuck-up "attitude," these felines can be so adorable. See some of the funniest and cutest cat photos in the accompanying slideshow.
Four witnesses from two neighboring northeastern Texas counties have reported seeing UFOs within 48 hours. Three of the witnesses described the perceived aircraft to be triangular in shape. The four reports are seen at the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) reporting database.
Ben Linden, a 24-year-old musician and cabinet maker from Perth, is the fifth fatality of a shark attack in a WA beach in ten months. A jet-ski rider who tried to pull Linden’s body said he saw the massive shark. The shark tried to knock him off his jet ski as he tried to recover Linden's body.