Last year, 2013, was a good year for Toyota in Australia because for the 11th straight year, it was the top selling vehicle brand in the Land Down Under. It sold about 215,000 vehicles, almost double the sales of the runner-up, Holden.

Throughout the year, 1.13 million vehicles were sold across Australia, according to data from the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries' yearly report. However, sales of made-in Australia cars actually declined - the Holden Commodore by 9 per cent to 28,000, the Toyota Camry by 9 per cent to 25,000 and the Holden Cruze by 32 per cent to 24,421.

Despite being the bridesmaid, Holden, it seems would have a say on the future of Toyota in Australia. Toward the end of 2013, Holden confirmed it would shutter its Australian manufacturing operations after a few years.

Tony Cramb, Toyota executive director of sales and marketing, said that Holden's decision to close its facility placed unprecedented pressure on the Japanese car maker, and it would make it more difficult to be the last remaining vehicle producer in Australia.

"In order to secure that status, we need to earn the next generation of Camry with export. We still need to compete with other plants around the globe for the right to produce that vehicle," Nine MSN quoted Mr Cramb.

He disclosed that the decision by Toyota Japan about the next-generation Camry for export and if it would keep making the cars in Australia after 2018 would be made in the middle of 2014.

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Failure to win the bid would mean Toyota would follow Holden and Ford in driving away from the Australian market permanently.

No less than Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is hopeful that Toyota would keep its manufacturing facility in the country.

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