'Star Wars: Episode 8': Leaked picture from Three Castles Head in West Cork

A leaked picture from Ireland reveals what could be a castle set in “Star Wars: Episode 8.” Meanwhile, a new fan theory looks at how Kylo Ren could locate Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To.
[Spoiler alert]
A picture from Three Castles Head in West Cork posted on the YouTube channel of Mike Zeroh shows a castle set. At the bottom right corner of the screen there is camp site for the crew members who had pitched a tent there, but the logo is covering this part.
A helicopter can be seen flying overhead. The source who gave Mike this picture did not reveal if the director was filming a long shot for a scene. The filming may have taken place at the castle structure in the picture, but there is no confirmation of the same.
Meanwhile, a video posted on the YouTube channel of Dash Star looks at how Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) could locate Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and Rey (Daisy Ridley) on the planet Ahch-To in “Star Wars: Episode 8.”
According to the theory, The First Order has put a homing beacon on the Millennium Falcon. The video points to the deleted scene in “The Force Awakens,” in which Kylo Ren and his Stormtroopers board the ship. The tracker may have been put on the ship at that time. General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson) told Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis) that they are tracking the Resistance reconnaissance ship, so the First Order may descend on Ahch-To pretty soon in the next film.
The repot points to previous leaks about “Star Wars: Episode 8” that revealed the Knights of Ren led by Kylo Ren on Ahch-To. There is said to be an action sequence involving the villains fighting both Rey and Luke Skywalker. It is not clear how soon the battle will take place, as the story is expected to start with the interaction between the Old Jedi Master and his soon to be apprentice.