Leo Oliver

181-210 (out of 325)

Shaurya has a flair for writing articles in the fields of arts, travel, sports and politics. He is in the know about the day-to-day happenings in Australia. With a postgraduate degree in journalism, he constantly endeavours to expand his reach in the field of writing and reporting.

Other than his journalistic adeptness, he also likes to write stories. He is an avid fan of Stephen King, the Harry Potter universe, and other marvels of the world of literature.


Travel ban: Donald Trump's 'streamlined' ban to exempt green card holders

US President Donald Trump is preparing a “streamlined” version of the travel ban that will allow people holding green cards or those already flying on planes to enter the country. This stems from difficulties that led his original travel ban, stemming from a Jan. 27 executive order, in courts.

Barnaby Joyce: Deputy PM predicts early Queensland election

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has hinted a possibility of an early election in Queensland. He said the state could have its election within a period of three months. However, he said his predictions are based on “reading the tea leaves.”
