Man arrested twice for having sex with the same horse

A 43-year-old man was arrested twice in three months for having sex with a horse named Nadia who authorities believe he was obsessed with.

Cirili Castillo is from Texas, USA and was put in jail by police after being caught on video having sexual intercourse with a horse in a corral. The owners of the horse set up surveillance cameras in the horse's pen after they found a mysterious bucket that they believed belonged to Castillo.

Castillo has repeatedly "pursued" the horse in the past. Once the owners saw Castillo on the surveillance tapes, they immediately called the sheriff's department in Hidalgo County to report another incident of horse sex. The owners became suspicious that Castillo was prowling their ranch at night and visiting their horse when they found a bucket inside Nadia's corral.

Sheriff Lupe Trevino told newspapers that the surveillance tape is a lot to look at and it won't make it to America's Funniest Videos.

Castillo has been arrested before drug possession and theft. He was arrested and eventually released from jail last April for having sex with Nadia the horse.

Other horse encounters

In January 2012, authorities arrested Castillo for sexual intercourse with two different horses in two different ranches. It was unknown whether one of the horses he used for sex during that time was Nadia.

There is currently no law against bestiality and animal sex in Texas so police can only charge Castillo with trespassing in private property. The charge of cruelty to animals is possible if owners can prove Nadia the horse during sex with Castillo.

The sheriff believes Castillo is a good guy and wants to find the man professional help. The sheriff's department is willing to do what they can do to stop Castillo from having sex with a horse again.