Keith Richards fired Donald Trump in 1989; Legendary Rolling Stones guitarist selling off New York City penthouse

Legendary Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards lost his cool during a 1989 Steel Wheels concert because of now Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Rolling Stones tour producer Michael Cohl revealed that Richards nearly knifed Trump, slamming it menacingly on the table, as the latter did not respect a deal.
Rolling Stones was in Atlantic City and for their last show for the Steel Wheels tour and Cohl somehow figured out a way to make more money for the band by using the concert as a pay-per-view event. However, he needed a promoter who could help with his big money. That promoter was none other than owner of the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, Donald Trump.
The band members, including Mick Jagger and Richards, were reluctant to go into any kind of agreement with him. Therefore, Cohl made Trump get into a contract wherein Trump would not be able to promote the event in any of his self-aggrandising press conferences. He was even asked to stay away from the concert.
However, according to the story he told Pollstar, Trump did not stay true to his end of deal and secured a television spot that was intended to be a band interview. Cohl received an urgent call asking him to immediately report to the press room. When he went there, Trump was already giving a press conference, clearly flouting his contract.
After Cohl gestured Trump to stop whatever he was doing, he said that he was begged to give the press conference. As Cohl had left his walkie-talkie in Rolling Stones dressing room, the band members overheard everything and Richards was furious. The moment Cohl entered the dressing room, Richards pulled out a knife and slammed it on a table. He gave an ultimatum -- it was either Trump leaving or the band.
“What the hell do I have you for? Do I have to go over there and fire him myself? One of us is leaving the building – either him, or us,” Richards shouted at Cohl.
Cohl finally went up to Trump and told him he was fired.
Even today, Richards is not showing any kind of support for Trump to win the US Presidential election.
“Can you imagine President Trump? The worst nightmare. But we can’t say that. Because it could happen. This is one of the wonders of this country. Who would’ve thought Ronald Reagan could be president?” Richards said last year.
He is also looking to sell off his four-bedroom lower Fifth Avenue Manhattan penthouse for US$12.2 million (AU$16.08 million). Richards and his wife Pattie Hansen purchased the duplex for US$10.5 million (AU$ 13.83 million) in 2014. The property is listed with Sotheby’s, Business Insider reports.