Today, when it is virtually hard to draw the line dividing the real from the online world, netizens must always be careful of what they share. Last Tuesday, two Swedish girls, aged 15 and 16, were found guilty of insulting other teens as evidenced by what has been posted on Instagram, as reported by Reuters.

The popular photo sharing site became the venue of airing out offensive comments to 38 young people, the majority of which consisted of girls. The public insults which were accompanied by pictures were explicit in nature.

The anonymous account had already been taken down.

Nevertheless, it still served as proof of the crime and similarly aroused public outrage.

Screen shots have been taken to court. Forensic investigation concluded that indeed, the girls have direct involvement in the case.

In Gothenburg, from where the convicts are from, there are those who even protested on the streets to criticise the teens' terrible conduct.

One of the convicts took ownership of the mistake. The other maintained her innocence. Still, both of them had to pay the fine. One of them must also render community service as directed by the court.

Cyber bulling among teens is an issue that is raising alarm in this increasingly connected world. Last year, a Youtube video made by Amanda Todd, also a teenager, became viral. Todd, who committed suicide, shared that she was bullied to give a "show" in a video chat. She was threatened to be humiliated by her topless pictures which will be spread online if she decides otherwise.

While the advances in technology gave the netizens considerable convenience by accessing anything through just a click or tap, it doesn't mean that we can be less accountable for our online activities.

"Many think they are anonymous when they are sitting behind a computer and therefore take greater responsibilities than if that anonymity wasn't there," lawyer Arash Raoufi who represents the complainants was quoted as saying.

The misguided freedom can negatively impact lives in real-time. That life can also be yours or that of someone you know and care for. So think before you post else you may even have to explain yourself in court.