Humans are considered to be visual creatures. That is, the eyes are considered to be the most powerful (or at least the most used) of all the five basic senses. However, the eyes can be subjected to different kinds of injuries. And each of these injuries can hamper your sight in the worst possible way. But given the right techniques, you can actually treat some of these injuries right in the comfort of your home.

Here are some of the eye problems that you can treat without leaving the four corners of your home.


At first, the thought of having eye allergies seems to be an unlikely prospect. But the fact is that eyes are also prone to different kinds of allergic reactions. These allergies can leave your eyes red and teary. The most important part of treating such allergies is to understand what the allergen is and to do your best to avoid exposure. In the event that you can't avoid it, there are different eye allergy treatments you can use to alleviate symptoms.


This type of eye infection may look nasty, especially at the height of its onset, but it is actually harmless and should leave without any long-term side effects. But of course, there are many ways to prevent its expansion while healing it at the soonest possible time. You can do this by dampening a washcloth with warm water then placing it above your eye. Repeat this process as soon as the water cools down. The heat from the water opens up the eye's pores, which helps in eliminating the infection.

Black eyes

A black eye is characterized as bruising around the eye area. As long as there are no other symptoms, such as blurred vision, it is something that is easily curable at home. The first thing you must do is apply ice to the affected area to prevent it from swelling. If you'll be using pure ice, wrap it in cloth to prevent the skin from freezing. Do this for 10-15 minutes in 2-hour intervals, especially during the first day.


Also popularly known as pink eye and sore eyes, conjunctivitis is characterized by the swelling of the conjunctiva, causing redness and soreness on the affected eye(s). These infections are commonly viral by nature, so antibiotics are not really effective for treatment unless it's proven that the infection is bacterial. You can use eye drops for disinfection and cold compresses to relieve itchiness. Watch out though, as conjunctivitis tends to be highly contagious.

Dealing with other eye problems

If you are showing other symptoms such as blurring of vision, it might be best to consult a doctor for more advanced treatment. Particular eye injuries, such as double vision and severe eye pain, are best reserved for trained medical personnel. This is because the most serious eye injuries can potentially cause permanent impairment of vision. The sooner you get help, your chances of recovering without long-term vision problems significantly improve.

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