Spiral Foods Pty Ltd., which manufactures Bonsoy soy milk, confirmed on Wednesday that the controversial soy product, which was banned from store shelves last December 24 after it was linked to a series of thyroid problems, will be sold again the market after undergoing reformulation.

The Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) issued a statement Wednesday saying that the maker of Bonsoy already removed the seaweed extract, believed to contain harmful levels of iodine and which is being blamed for causing thyroid problems to several individuals.

"Food and Health authorities today confirmed that Bonsoy soy milk, reformulated without kombu seaweed extract, could return to sale. Anyone with one litre tetra packs of the original Bonsoy soy milk with kombu ... should not consume them and should safely dispose of them or return same to place of purchase," according to a FSANZ statement.

The government pulled out the popular soy milk in December after nine adults and a child from New South Wales complained of thyroid problems from drinking the said product. Some 38 other Bonsoy drinkers across Australia later came forward as having thyroid problems. Several of them required the removal of their thyroid glands.

According to food authorities the problem was traced to the naturally fluctuating mineral levels of the seaweed extract, which caused the "excessively high" levels of iodine in some soy milk products sold in the market last year.

The FSNAZ warned, "Anyone who has consumed the earlier batches of Bonsoy with kombu over a prolonged time, who feels generally unwell, should consult their doctor."

Bonsoy has reformulated the product and is redistributing the soy milk to cafes in NSW and Victoria. The product will also be rebranded and is expected to hit the stores nationwide.

James Wilson, Spiral Foods director, assured consumers that the reformulated product has met safety standards.

He said, "For more than 30 years Spiral Foods has been committed to providing healthy, natural food products. ... And we have worked with the producers of Bonsoy to reformulate the product and return it to cafes and stores as soon as possible."