"Big Brother Canada" Season 2 nominees for Week 4 eviction is out. After winning the Head of Household challenge, Rachelle uses her power to nominate Allison and Heather for eviction. With Allison winning the Power of Veto challenge, the course of game is about to change.

Allison won the POV challenge and has the power to change the nominees for eviction. Obviously, the 25 year old registered nurse will remove herself in the block which will force Rachelle to put a nominations replacement. Who will the replacement be? [WARNING SPOILERS HERE]

Lies and deceit continues to dominate the game. In the earlier weeks, there are two apparent alliance in the house-the boy's and the girl's alliance. But as the game progresses, new alliances started to show. Though the girl alliance remains solid, several happenings on the house started to create crevices on it. The turnout of events forms new alliances and shaken previous alliances in the Big Brother house.

The girls are now planning to backdoor Ika this week. Rachelle and Sabrina had talk about telling Ika on her face that Rachelle is nominating her because Rachelle want to play the game and do not want someone controlling her. Sabrina made the script on what to say and Rachelle added that it was Ika who said they are already a shrinking ship and she doesn't trust them.

Sabrina even counted who will vote to evict Ika and came up with this: Sabrina, Sarah, Allison, Kenny, Andrew, and Arlie to evict Ika; Neda, Jon, and Adel to keep her.

If the replacement nominations will take place soon and Ika is put up in the block, Heather will be safe for two or more weeks as the girls is planning to evict Allison next week.

Meanwhile, Ika talked to Jon on the possibility of her getting nominated. She said she now feels that she is all alone in the house and feels like Paul. She then asked Jon if he knows anything and Jon said he had no idea on who will Rachelle nominate as replacement.

"Big Brother Canada" 2 is now on its fourth week. Some of the housemates are also talking about when the double eviction will be.

For more "Big Brother Canada" Season 2 updates, read more below:

'Big Brother Canada' 2 Recap and Spoilers: Paul Jackson Gets Evicted, Rachelle Wins HOH; Who Will Be Week 4 Nominees?

'Big Brother Canada' Season 2 Spoilers and Recaps: Paul and Heather Still on for Eviction; Adel Wins Special Power