'Winds of Winter' spoilers: Storm's End captured; Dorne may have a new ally

George R.R. Martin has a gift for his fans who are eagerly waiting for the release date of “Winds of Winter.” The author has shared another chapter from the book from Arianne’s point of view. The chapter teases some of the major events in the book series, including the capture of Storm’s End.
[Spoiler alert]
Storm’s End is one of the most formidable castles in Westeros and was held by people loyal to Stannis Baratheon. However, according to the most recent chapter released by Martin, the castle has been taken by Connington and The Golden Company.
The chapter is from Arianne’s point of view. She has been sent by her father to get first hand information about what is happening in Westeros. Dorne has plans to ally with Daenerys Targaryen, but during her conversation with Lysono Maar Arianne considers joining Aegon Targaryen, who is the son of Prince Rhaegar and Elia Martell.
The Golden Company spymaster Lysono arranges for Arianne to depart to Storm’s End to meet with Connington. The fall of Storm’s End puts the future of Stannis Baratheon in peril. The character is dead in the TV series and now his future in “Winds of Winter” also looks bleak.
Arianne’s father told her to choose her allies carefully. People who have not seen Daenery’s dragons are not fully convinced that they exist and they don’t know what the magical creatures are capable of. Besides, the Mother of Dragons is many miles away from Westeros.
News of Quentyn’s death has not reached Arianne yet. She wonders what has become of him and whether he managed to marry the Mother of Dragons. The news of his death may put the alliance between Daenerys and Drone in jeopardy in “Winds of Winter.” Will Dorne join the young Aegon in his rebellion? The capture of Storm’s End has made him a major player for the Iron Throne and people who dislike the Lannisters may flock to him.