A new version of Ubuntu has been released in the market (Ubuntu 12.04) and it has received a lot of positive reviews ever since it was revealed to the public. Some people even go further by calling it the best Ubuntu version.

Ubuntu 12.04 is the latest version from Canonical's popular free Linux distribution. It is also popularly known as "Precise Pangolin" which came from a tropical mammal's name that resides in Africa and Asia. This name was based on its hardened scales that are covering the animal's body. This adjective seems to pass down to the current version of Ubuntu which means a safe and relatively secured version of Ubuntu.

One of things that has improved considerably is the Unity interface. If compared to the previous versions (Ubuntu 11.04 or 11.10), there are some major changes that were implemented. The Unity interface now highlights Ubuntu One personal cloud resources. Another point about this new feature is the Heads-Up Display or HUB which has typable search interface. This is considered as important for people who are not really believers of utilizing a mouse and instead prefers to type commands. The Ubuntu server was also updated as it can be easily distributed and replicated.

Ubuntu 12.04 is the version that is heavily promoted as an operating system for cloud deployment. New features were improved and developed with this version as well as a 5-year support plan for this type of OS. This is the reason why Microsoft will be offering Ubuntu 12.04 images on the company's Windows Azure clould service. In this new offering, the command line tools for Mac and Linux are open source-something that is very rare from Microsoft.

Overall, the Ubuntu 12.04 is the best version if compared to previous updates due to improvement in features, user interface, and performance. There are still problems regarding the quicklist and search features which is really a weak point for Ubuntu. The Ubuntu 12.04 version is a much more friendly version which can entice non-Ubuntu users to try a new kind of computing experience.