America never forgets. Or at least, it takes time for this “big great nation to heal”.

After all these years, names who may have been big in the first place and became bigger after being implicated in murders or scandals and hot issues Americans feel strongly against, pay the price for being remembered for what they had done or embroiled themselves into.

And in the latest e-poll conducted by California-based E-Poll's E-Score Celebrity, we knew who they are.

Casey Anthony, who has been in media headlines for weeks after being implicated in the murder of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee, topped the list of America’s “Most Hated Person”. She got 94% of the total respondents surveyed for the e-poll. 54% of those asked signified knowing her story, or those who may have watched her during the live trial.

Casey Anthony is followed by more celebrities and prominent individuals including Spencer Pratt (88%); Nadya "Octomom" Suleman(87%); O.J. Simpson (85%); Jon Gosselin (79%); Levi Johnston (75%); Jesse James (71%); Paris Hilton (69%); Heidi Fleiss(69%); Howard Stern (68%).

Click START to check out the photos of America’s “Most Hated Person”.