'Suits' season 6 episode 15 spoilers: Mike's deal in trouble

Mike’s troubles increase in “Suits” season 6 episode 15 preview video. Harvey will attempt to help his friend, and once again he needs Louis to assist him. But, will Rachel allow her fiancé to go through another dangerous situation?
The following article contains spoilers from the next episode of “Suits” titled “Quid Pro Quo.” Readers who don’t want to know what happens next on the show are advised to stop here.
With only one more episode to go before the finale, things are getting hot for Mike (Patrick J. Adams). The deal that was supposed to make him a lawyer will get risky to the point that they may have to pull the plug on it.
The preview video shows Harvey (Gabriel Macht) talking to Louis (Rick Hoffman) about helping salvage the deal. In the previous episode Harvey figured out that the case the Ethics Committee member needed help with was not a simple one of stolen technology. He used the information he had to blackmail Craig (Michael B. Silver) into getting Mike a hearing.
Rachel (Meghan Markle) had previously requested Harvey to not go through with the deal if it gets too risky, and even suggested he take the fall this time if things go bad. While no one may be going to prison in “Suits” season 6 episode 15, the deal certainly appears to be off.
Mike tells his fiancé in the preview video that “it’s over” and he can’t be a lawyer. It is not clear what triggers the problem, but it may come as a bit of a relief for the soon to be married couple. While Mike may not get satisfaction with any other job, at least he will not go back to prison.
In the previous episode Mike confessed to the young lawyer at the clinic, Oliver (Jordan Johnson-Hinds). It remains to be seen if he will be able to give a full confession to the man who gave him his job. The consequence of this could be Mike getting reported or losing his job.
Meanwhile, Sarah Rafferty (Donna ) and Hoffman were on a press tour in Australia. The two actors shared pictures [see below] of them enjoying the sights. The actress joked that it feels like she is on a honeymoon.
“Suits” season 6 episode 15 will main focus on Mike’s case. Many of the other characters, like Donna, are missing in the preview video.
Credit: YouTube/ SuitsonUSA
Credit: Instagram/ Sarah Rafferty
Credit: Instagram/ Rick Hoffman