One in ten young men in Australia was prone to suicide in 2012, according to a mental health study. Researcher Jane Burns revealed the results of a report on Monday as a reflection of the nation's mental health system failing young men.

The survey also that almost 70 of the 700 Australian males interviewed have thought about ending their lives, while 1 in 5 males felt their lives were not worth living.

The research study conducted by The Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre sought the answers of young males in Australia whose age is between 16 to 25 years old. Young Aussie men were asked about the idea of suicide and how they use tools in technology to seek help.

The study found that the number of young men who thought of taking their own lives rose to 12 per cent among males aged 22 to 25. In the same age group, instead of thinking about finding full-time work after finishing education, 8 per cent of young males said they had "made plans" to commit suicide, while 2 per cent attempted suicide.

The findings of the study also revealed that over 40 per cent of young male Australians have experienced psychological distress. The research centre's chief executive officer, Mr. Burns, said little has been done to change the behaviour of male Australians despite the increasing awareness of mental health issues in recent years.

Young male Australians recognise depression and detect drug and alcohol problems. They also know how to help their friends overcome these problems, but they haven't learned to deal with the issues individually.

Mr. Burns recommends that the mental health system should be improved to include services designed for young males. Current medical systems are said to be old models which do not seem to work since young males don't just go out and talk to general physicians.

Almost 50 per cent of Australian young males were concerned about dealing with stress while 27 per cent were thinking about depression and 26 per cent worry about body image.