'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story'
Star Wars: Rogue One. Left to Right: Actors Riz Ahmed, Diego Luna, Felicity Jones, Jiang Wen and Donnie Yen. Lucasfilm 2016/ Jonathan Olley

A new trailer and poster of “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” have been released online. The video shows Donnie Yen, Felicity Jones and other heroes taking on the villains, with scenes teasing some of the actions sequences in the movie.

[Spoiler alert]

Darth Vader, arguably the biggest most recognised character from the franchise, still remains elusive. The Sith Lord is not featured in the behind-the-scenes video released at the “Celebrations” event, leading to some disappointment among the fans.

Most of the action in the movie appears to be taking place on the planet Scarif, where the Death Star is being built. The new poster of the film showing an action sequence at the beach gives a spectacular view of the dreaded orbital station in the sky.

Credit: Twitter/ Star Wars

The video teases how the rebels plan to steal the plans of the Death Star. The team appears to enter the planet first. Once there, they appear to steal the uniforms of soldiers of the Empire. One of the Stormtroopers can be seen being attacked by a man in an officer’s uniform.

Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) may get to wear the uniform of the new Death Troopers. The black outfit that the character was seen wearing previously may be a uniform she steals on the planet.

Credit: Twitter/ Star Wars

The video also teases the main villain Director Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn) onboard the Death Star overlooking the planet below. The video teases a whole new set of aliens that the movie will be introducing.

There were concerns about “Rogue One” A Star Wars Story” after the movie was sent for some reshoots. However, the video released at the “Celebrations” has got the fans excited. Director Gareth Edwards remarked in the video that he was willing to take some risks while making the movie. Being a spinoff, the film has a distinct tone that is different from the movies that have been released by the franchise so far.

Credit: YouTube/ Star Wars