‘Pokemon Sun and Moon’ players in shock; Next Battle Competition and 5th Global Mission details unveiled

“Pokemon Sun and Moon” players have received the shock of their lives as Nintendo has reportedly banned around 7,651 players for altering their saved files. As of now, there is no way to unban one’s account, even if it has been banned accidentally.
At the most, players who feel their accounts have been closed unfairly can plead their case to The Nintendo Company and Game Freak. News about the ban was first reported by Serebii. It is here the author of the post notes that The Pokemon Company has taken this drastic step, banning players from online activity. The banned players won’t be able to access Game Sync, Rating Battles, Battle Competitions, and Global Missions. If they still try to access these, they will receive the error code 090-0212.
Players, who have altered saved files and have not been banned until now, may soon be removed from the system. Future bans will come without notice. The developers are currently scanning player profiles for any hint of cheating or illegal activity, writes Gameranx. This is not the first time “Pokemon Sun and Moon” players are facing ban. Thousands were banned in January. The new wave has hit over 7,000 more players. The developers have promised harsher punishments if this continues.
Meanwhile, the next Battle Competition will happen late-April. Players who participate will be gifted two new special Mega Stones. The next Global Mission has also been announced According to another Serebii thread, the next Battle Competition will happen from April 28-30. T he Double Battle event, as part of the 2017 International Challenge Competition, will accommodate Pokemon only from the Alola Region, as per VGC 2017 rules. However, Solgaleo, Lunala, Magearna, Cosmog, Cosmoem, Necrozma and Zygarde will be excluded.
The event won’t allow use of Mega Stones. “Pokemon Sun and Moon” players participating will get free Sceptilite and Blazikenite Mega Stones. The former facilitates Sceptile’s transformation into its Mega Evolved form. The mysterious Mega Stone Blazikenite allows Blaziken to Mega Evolve during battles. The fifth Global Mission will have Egg Hatching as its main theme. Players need to hatch over 200,000 Pokemon Eggs when the mission starts April 10. Players who hatch three or more Eggs will earn a Rare Candy.
In case players are able to surpass the original goal and somehow hatch 400,000 Eggs, everyone will get a Love Ball. There are other rewards too. Stay tuned on IBT AU for more updates on “Pokemon Sun and Moon” events and competitions.