'Outlander' Season 2 spoilers: Behind the scenes look at duel scene; Master Raymond's book of spells and potions

Starz has released a new video and details about “Outlander” Season 2, giving the fans an inside look at how the duel scene was filmed and how some of the lavish sets were created. The recently aired episode of the show featured a major action sequence involving Jamie and Black Jack Randall.
[Spoiler alert]
A behind the scenes video posted on the official Starz website shows the duel scene of Jamie (Sam Heughan) and Black Jack (Tobias Menzies). Producer/writer Matthew B. Roberts revealed in the video that Heughan and Menzies had four or five rehearsal days to get the scene right. Even though there were stunt men ready to do the challenging scene, the two actors managed to do a majority of the scene themselves.
Most of the outdoor scenes were filmed in Prague, except for the duel scene. The whole production crew had to spend a few weeks in Prague to film the relevant scenes and to make the show seem a little more authentic. Roberts described the team’s efforts for “Outlander” Season 2 as quite an adventure.
The indoor sets of the show are also spectacular, with the set decorators paying particular attention to minute details. In a post on the Outlander Community website, Set Decorator Gina Cromwell said that the challenge for creating the L'Hôpital des Anges was to be able to reflect the “ serenity and efficiency of a Catholic convent with the harrowing chaos of an 18th Century charity hospital.”
The charity hospital set was created at Glasgow Cathedral. “This was so alien to our secular, modern day ideas of what a hospital looks like we were compelled to go with this look,” Cromwell said.
One of the scenes in the show featured a book of spells and potions that belongs to Master Raymond (Dominique Pinon). Karen Grosch of Whetton & Grosch was asked to provide this specific prop for the scene. Grosch said that the team was able to get four usable pages through their research on medieval illustrated manuscripts, herbals, occult texts, and generic magical symbols.
The pages were printed onto a replica goat parchment and then additional details were added manually. The binding of the book was also supposed to make it look “sinister” with the viewers thinking that it could be made of human skin. The book in “Outlander” Season 2 was made with leather, vellum and tissue paper.