'Once Upon A time' season 7: Storybrooke no longer the focal point; Henry opening up a new universe

Although “Once Upon A Time” season 7 is a sort of a reset, there will be a lot of familiar characters. The one big difference is that Storybrooke will no longer be the focal point for the new stories that will be told, the producers of the show have revealed.
When the little girl knocked on Henry’s (Andrew J. West) apartment door in Seattle, things became clear very quickly that there will be a whole new story that can be expected when the show returns. In an interview with TV Line, showrunners Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis revealed that Storybrooke will no longer be the base of operations for the new stories. The town will still be seen from time to time, since the new stories are essentially a continuation in the same magical universe.
So, just as Emma (Jennifer Morrison) travelled from her apartment in Boston to Storybrooke, Henry may travel to a new town to save his family. In terms of the storytelling, “Once Upon A Time” season 7 will follow a similar format, which the fans have gotten used to over the years.
This time Henry will be leading the new stories. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly the producers said the premiere episode will make things clear about where they intend to go from here. They said that they plan to “branch out” and “open the world up.”
While the previous seasons showed how Henry was busy fighting for the happy endings of his family members, the new stories will focus on the character trying to chart his own course.
The interesting questions “Once Upon A Time” season 7 will have to answer are – why did Henry leave his home and family and settle in Seattle? Who is his wife? Why can’t he remember his daughter?