'No Man's Sky' is under official fire for false advertising; Hello Games and Valve may be charged with series sanctions

At the beginning of the year, the gaming world was excited for the release of “No Man’s Sky.” However, upon its release in August, gamers everywhere were disappointed -- so much so that the UK's Advertising Standards Authority has launched an investigation against Hello Games and Valve.
As the agency confirmed to Eurogamer, the investigation has come about after ASA received various complaints about the advertising of “No Man’s Sky.” More specifically, players have found a disconnect between what is evident in the game’s Steam store page and what is actually seen during game play.
Watch "No Man's Sky" trailer for "I've Seen Things"
Earlier this year, various teaser videos of the game were released, which showed more complicated animal behaviour, more exciting combat and more advanced ship-handling than what is currently being experienced by players. Furthermore, gamers are claiming that the screenshots provided prior to the game’s release do not correctly represent its graphic quality.
The complaints basically revolve around how “No Man’s Sky” does not live up to the hype, which was created only because of the advertisements surrounding the game. And while most of the complaints surround the material found on Steam, the ASA made it clear that its rulings apply to other advertising platforms such as YouTube videos and the game’s listing on the PlayStation store.
Watch "No Man's Sky" gameplay trailer
The ASA’s investigation is ongoing, so the agency could not say much more on the subject. However, the agency did disclose that it contacted both Hello Games and Valve. The two gaming companies were asked to respond to a set of questions relating to the advertisement of “No Man’s Sky.”
Should the ASA find either Hello Games or Valve guilty of false advertising or any other violation against its code of conduct, it has the authority to withdraw any piece of advertisement and prevent the same from appearing again. Should either company refuse to uphold these rulings, the ASA can require various sanctions to the company.