National Mortgage Brokers has predicted brokers will continue to go from strength to strength as it turned 10 yesterday.

Reflecting on the past ten years in a note to NMB brokers, managing director Gerald Foley said that the past 10 years have been a "decade of change".

"With lenders coming and going, commissions being regularly reduced and re-jigged, licensing, the GFC and a whole raft of further road blocks and obstacles there has been plenty to deal with," Foley said.

However, Foley said what has been consistent throughout the decade though has been the resilience of brokers to "roll with the punches, adapt to change, and still keep providing a great and valuable service to their clients".

"I still believe the service a mortgage broker provides their client is one of the best consumer propositions going around. And that won't change any time soon," he said.

Foley said the next 10 years is likely to bring an even stronger consumer proposition as many mortgage brokers move into the role of a broader financial advisor, new sources of funds are made available to bring back "much needed competition" and more consolidation is seen among lenders and brokers.

NMB began 10 years ago, when Gerald Foley, Kon Avramidis and Sal Cinque, along with investors John Bignell and Rob Emnett, took over the mortgage division of what is today Bell Potter Securities.