Donald Trump
Donald Trump at a Republican Party debate

Miley Cyrus has always been outspoken about who she is and what she believes in, and when it comes to Donald Trump, she too will not mince her words.

Following Trump's victory in the Super Tuesday primaries, the "Hannah Montana" star took to Instagram with a post that said: "gonna vom / move out da country".


gonna vom / move out da country. #aintapartyindausaanymo

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

A day later, the "Party In the USA" singer posted a picture of herself crying and shared an expletive-laden rant about how she would leave the country if Donald Trump became President:

"Yes . That is a tear rolling down my cheek dripping off the end of my nose..... This makes me so unbelievable scared and sad.... Not only for our country but for animals that I love more than anything in this world.... My heart is broken into a 100000 pieces ..... I think I may vomit .... That picture on the right is so disturbing.... YOU are not destiny! It is not your job to decide when a living things life is over .... & YOU DT ARE NOT GOD NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU THINK YOU ARE!!! (& if he doesn't think he is "God" he thinks he is the f---ing chosen one or some shit! We're all just f---ing jam between his rich ass toes! Honestly f--- this shit I am moving if this is my president! I don't say things I don't mean! )


A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

Although Trump has said and done a lot to draw flak from many politicians, Cyrus is also taking offence at the fact that the real estate magnate is pro-hunting. In her Instagram post, she features a picture of Trump with Kendall Jones, a Texan Tech cheerleader and hunter who was slammed in 2014 for uploading pictures of herself posing with some of the animals she had hunted and killed, such as a lion, white rhino and hoppopotamus.

In fact, Miley, a well-known animal lover, directed most of her rage at Jones, but also linked Jones' activities to Trump in a separate post:


I'm gonna puke ..... This what our future looks like with DT

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

Miley Cyrus isn't the only person thinking about leaving the country after Trump's success on Super Tuesday. Rosie O’Donnell, Cher, and Samuel L. Jackson have all said they would run in the event of a “Trumpocalypse.”

"How can I move to Canada" searches on Google also spiked by more than 1,000 percent after the billionaire's win on Tuesday.

Interestingly, back in 2013 while Miley was copping widespread critcism for that twerking saga at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards, Trump had released a vine with a message of support for her:

We're not so sure what he would say now.

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