Legends of Tomorrow
Legends of Tomorrow The CW Television Network

“Legends of Tomorrow” might have a stellar cast now, but that’s probably going to change soon. Guest star Joseph David-Jones, who played Connor Hawke/John Diggle Jr in the year 2046, revealed that the current cast could be “cycled out,” which probably meant they could be replaced by other characters. The new episode “Marooned” may have just proven this notion.

In last week’s episode titled “Star City 2046,” Connor took over the role of Green Arrow when Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) was believed to be dead in the year 2046, the future if they failed to stop Vandal Savage (Casper Crump) from basically existing. The time-travelling group, led by Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill), knew that they could still change that post-apocalyptic timeline, but in the meantime while they are in that stream, they helped the father-and-son duo in fighting the bad guys.

Whether that bleak future has been truly erased or not is yet to be seen. But according to David-Jones, some writers of the show want him to come back.

“I know that a couple of the writers are trying to push to get me back in there because they really do like what happened with the episode,” he was quoted by Comic Book as saying. What the actor said next might come as a shock to the fans, who are currently loving the show’s current characters.

“I know that they’re trying to put me back in there but I don’t know what they’re going to come up with or what even is going to happen with Connor Hawke, but I know they’ve been talking about potential different outcomes of it because they plan on cycling out some of the cast from the ship. So I don’t know what’s going to happen, or if that timeline is still set until they actually do go back to the past.”

For the record, the current occupants of Waverider are Rip and the disparate individuals he recruited from the year 2016: Martin Stein (Victor Garber) and Jax (Franz Drameh), who form Firestorm together, Ray Palmer/Atom (Brandon Routh), Sara Lance/White Canary (Caity Lotz), Rory/Heatwave (Dominic Purcell) and Snart/Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller), and Kendra/Hawkgirl (Ciara Renée).

If that’s true, viewers might see different faces in the Waverider, Rip’s ship. The show already killed one of its heroes, Carter/Hawkman (Falk Hentschel), who bowed down early in the second episode. Also in the recently aired 7th episode (“Marooned”), the team appeared to have lost another teammate.

Spoilers for ‘Marooned’ ahead

With the ship’s artificial intelligence, Gideon, upgrading its software, the team started getting antsy with little else to do. And when they received a distress call from Rip’s fellow Time Master, Captain Eve Baxter from the ship Acheron, Rip immediately took the ship to deep space, allowing plenty of “Star Wars,” “Star Trek” and even “Back to the Future” references from the team (and even Gideon).

For a captain of his own ship, Rip displayed remarkable gullibility and incompetence. Despite the team’s reservations and doubts about the authenticity of the call, Rip still led the team to deep space in able to save Acheron because its software contains information on Savage. His hasty decision led them to a trap plotted by Time Pirates. He left Palmer in charge of Waverider, while taking Jax and Rory with him in the abandoned ship. He made another poor judgment call when he had Stein guard the ship that they rode to reach the derelict Acheron, inadvertently not allowing Firestorm to form.

The team were captured by the Time Pirates, led by Captain John Valor, who knew Rip by reputation. When Rip met Baxter, who was also taken hostage, it was apparent they didn’t like each other.

Fortunately, Stein proved to be cunning, disabling the Acheron’s weapons system manually and even saving the hostages.

In Rip’s ship, while cold and trapped in one of the ship’s rooms, Snart revealed to Sara it was Rory who saved him when he was a bullied kid. Palmer went into cardiac arrest when he ran out of oxygen after sealing the ship’s breach (which Snart created). Kendra tried to revive him by hitting on his chest. It was a questionable CPR technique, but it worked. Palmer woke up. They kissed at the end.

Elsewhere, Rip was forced to admit to Rory that he only wanted Snart to join the team but since Rory came with Snart, he extended the invitation to him.

This revelation led Rory to make a deal with the time pirates. He asked Valor to bring him back to 2016 in exchange for the Waverider. He duped Snart and the others in the ship, claiming he escaped the time pirates. He went full villain mode from then, surprising even his partner, the always-purring Snart

Rip, Jax, Stein and Baxter were able to defeat the time pirates by opening the airlock on the ship while they held onto something solid. The time pirates were effectively swept off the Acheron, a trick that was used early on in a flashback.

Baxter, impressed with Rip’s handling of the time pirates, rewarded him with information on Savage.

With the time pirates defeated, the team were left to ponder on what to do with Rory the traitor. Snart said he will “handle” it. Later on, he was see dragging Rory outside. Snart, who has treated Rory as his brother for years, told him he has become a liability to the team. Only one of them would walk out of there alive, though, Rory told him.

“You’re right,” Snart said before pointing his ice-blasting gun to Rory. If he really did shoot Rory remains to be seen. It looked like it, but endings like that usually didn’t happen the way they appear to be.

Flashbacks throughout the episode revealed that Rip had an affair with fellow time master trainee Miranda Coburn. Relationships between time masters were forbidden, and therefore they were disciplined when they were found out. It was revealed that Rip and Miranda weren’t their real names. They changed their names so no one could recognise them and compromise their families while travelling through time.

Miranda resigned to allow Rip to continue his time master training. Rip, frustrated with Miranda’s decision, told her he was meant to do that himself. It was another love talk, which ended with Rip and Miranda parting for good.

“Legends of Tomorrow” airs in Australia every Friday at 7:30 p.m. on Fox8.

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