Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks at a press conference with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar at Farmleigh House, Dublin, Ireland July 4, 2017.
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks at a press conference with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar at Farmleigh House, Dublin, Ireland July 4, 2017. Reuters/Clodagh Kilcoyne

Justin Trudeau’s popularity may be in danger of being stolen by his own assistant. Social media recently took notice of Tommy Desfossés, the Canadian prime minister’s aide, who called himself “handsome.” Apparently, Twitter users agreed with his assessment.

Desfossés is the guy who is often in the background while Trudeau is idolised by his legions of fans in Canada and around the world. So while the Canadian leader is basking in adoration, Desfossés is left on the sidelines. But that changed earlier this week when political editor Kevin Doyle shared a photo of the assistant carrying the gifts Trudeau had received.

Doyle posted the image on Twitter with the caption: “This poor guys (sic) has to carry all Trudeau’s gifts. So far: rugby and GAA jerseys, socks, bodhran, hurley, framed Yeates poem…” Desfossés agreed with Doyle’s assessment of him as “poor guy,” though he added his own description. “Poor guy indeed, but handsome,” he wrote.

MP Seamus O’Regan also thought that the assistant was not only “effortlessly handsome,” he was also “tireless” and “elegant.” Trudeau’s photographer, Adam Scotti, then included a few more shots of Desfossés in his sleeping form. Liberal politician Marc Miller joined in the fun, saying Desfossés was actually in charge of guarding Trudeau’s chocolates.

The ribbing did not end there. Scotti added another one, this time with a picture of Desfossés struggling to put on a pink jacket.

Desfossés is not on Trudeau’s level of popularity yet, but he is fast becoming a new Twitter favourite.

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