Actress Lena Headey, from the HBO drama series "Game of Thrones,"
Actress Lena Headey, from the HBO drama series "Game of Thrones" arrives at the 66th Primetime Emmy Awards in Los Angeles, California August 25, 2014. Reuters/Lucy Nicholson

Lena Headey is “excited” with the prospect of seeing Cersei and Tyrion back together in “Game of Thrones” Season 7, the actress said in a recent interview. She also talked about the possible death of her character and who should be the one to kill Cersei.

[Spoiler alert]

Cersei (Lena Headey) and Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) have not seen each other in a long time. The last time they were together, he was accused of killing her son Joffrey Baratheon (Jack Gleeson). With Tyrion now making his way back to Westeros, there is a possibility that the two characters will come face to face.

“I’m as excited as anyone to get Cersei and Tyrion back together. It just works,” Headey told Entertainment Weekly. The actress pointed out that the interaction between the two characters is “so interesting” because there is “so much hate” between the two, but at the same time there is a “slight respect too.”

Credit: Twitter/ GameofThrones

Cersei has declared herself Queen, putting the character in a dangerous position. Headey is acutely aware that the next big death in “Game of Thrones” Season 7 may be of her character. The actress is ready to see her character die, as long as it is “glorious and gory,” but she has to be killed by the “right person.”

Two characters who Headey thinks should be the ones to kill her character are Arya (Maisie Williams) and Tyrion. She said that no one would “relish” Cersei’s death more than her brother.

Credit: Twitter/ GameofThrones

Headey believes that Cersei’s reign in “Game of Thrones” Season 7 will be short. She pointed out that Daenerys’ arrival in Westeros has been expected for some time now, but she isn’t sure what will happen next as the cast members aren’t told anything. The actress is assuming that there will be a “helluva battle” next year for the Iron Throne.