'Game of Thrones' Season 7 spoilers: 'We have to be a little worried for Jon,' Producer David Benioff

Things are not going to get any easier for Jon Snow in “Game of Thrones” Season 7. Only one person can sit on the Iron Throne, and there could be many more deaths before the grand finale of the TV series. Executive Producer David Benioff has teased that fans should be “a little worried for Jon.”
[Spoiler alert]
Jon Snow (Kit Harington) may have been brought back to life by Melisandre (Carice Van Houten), but he wasn’t very pleased about it. Before the battle against the Boltons, he even told her not to bring him back if he was to fall. In fact there was a moment in the battle when it seemed like he was going to just lie down and give up.
“We have to be a little worried for Jon,” Executive Producer David Benioff teased in a video posted on the official YouTube channel of the TV series. The producer was referring to the scene in which Jon was crowned the King in the North, just like his brother Robb (Richard Madden). Things did not end well for the first King in the North, so it remains to be seen how the new king will perform.
Jon Snow will be up against The Night’s King in “Game of Thrones” Season 7. There are some trust issues between the Stark siblings. Benioff confirmed that Sansa (Sophie Turner) feels “anger” and “jealousy” towards her brother. Even amongst the forces in the north, Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen) can’t be trusted. Baelish wants to be named Warden of the North to begin with, and later sit on the Iron Throne himself.
Another big character that fans need to be “worried” about in “Game of Thrones” Season 7 is Arya Stark (Maisie Williams), according to Benioff. The producer pointed out that the character is on a very “dark” path and has become a skilled “murderer.” Although not many were sad about the death of Walder Frey (David Bradley), Benioff explained that the fact that she smiled while he bled raises concerns about where the character goes from here.
Credit: YouTube/ GameofThrones