So Beckham seems to be taking is retirement very seriously - Beck & Posh along with Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz, sans 2-year-old Harper who stayed at home were busy taking an afternoon off and riding around a ranch in LA on horseback.

The family seemed to have ridden before and everybody looked very comfortable on the stirrups. So was this just a simple afternoon off for family time or is Beck seriously considering the offer made to him to be part of Mathew Vaughn's new film where he'd be playing a villain?

Colin Firth is said to have asked him if Beckham would be interested but as of now, no official commitment has happened. Sources suggest that this handsome ex-footballer who refuses to be a coach or agent is keen to be part of the movies as a career-choice and not just as a one off - though he would first like to test water with a small appearance.

The movie will star Michael Caine and Samuel L Jackson along with Firth so if David does give the go ahead, he'll be in good company.

The film is said supposedly based on the graphic novel "The Secret Service" by Kick-Ass Creator Mark Miller and Dave Gibbons and will also have Elton John do a cameo in it.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson was offered lead role for this movie but he refused. Slated to be released in 2014, the movie basically centres around a veteran agent taking an upstart rookie under his wing and molding him to be the best of the best. Plenty challenges along the way with villain Samuel L Jackson, and perhaps David Beckham - and wouldn't he make a very popular baddie indeed!

Victoria, the other half of 'Posh&Beck' is keen for him to take it up - she feels her movie experience of "The Spice World" was great and David could definitely do good too! Media moguls concur and Mathew Vaughn himself feels that David would be big draw to the movie, even if it's in a blink-and-you-miss-it role.

As far as the fans are concerned - it's his appearance that counts. He doesn't have to say many lines now, does he? A smoldering look would be enough; on horseback would be an added advantage!