'The Crew': Ubsisoft offers free download for the whole month of September

In celebration of Ubisoft’s 30th anniversary, the game publisher is offering seven games that will be free to download and keep. The current one on the list is “The Crew” an MMO action driving game.
The announcement read:
"To celebrate Ubisoft's 30th anniversary, The Ubisoft Club is offering you seven digital PC games. Every month a new game will be revealed and free to download. Then it is yours to keep!"
Hurry up, the game is available for a limited time. To download the free game of the month, users need to log into the Ubi30 website and click on the “Get Your Free Game On PC Now” button. After which, there will be simply download instructions to follow.
The giveaway began in June, and players were able to get a copy of “Prince of Persia: Sands Of Time” for free. Afterwards, “Splinter Cell” and “Rayman Origins” followed in July and August respectively. The game for September is “The Crew,” which normally sells on steam for US$29 (AU$40).
“The Crew,” which is normally tagged as a multi-player game, can also be played by single players. It is primarily because of this that an older review from GameSpot shares that there is something for everyone in the game.
Players can opt to form a team and start a fast-paced road trip filled illegal activities, which will cover a large map of the United States. However, the publication does admit that it might be better experienced as a solo game.
Throughout the game, players are thrown into different missions, which each have corresponding rewards. These rewards normally allow players to upgrade their vehicle, which is necessary to keep the road trip moving forward. The challenges include long-distance jumps and races wherein players must hit particular targets that are both on and off the road.