A 10-month-old basset hound was alleged as the suspect of the missing wedding ring worth $4,500. The couple, owner of the ring, thought that their dog had it.

They sent the dog to the veterinarian to have him scanned and X-ray images showed that the ring was settled deep in the stomach, which made it impossible to come out by itself. The couple had their dog operated to take the ring out.

The procedure was luckily successful and the dog, named Caroline, was okay. The couple is hoping that nothing like this would never happen again as it not only risks the health of their dog, but it also rips their pockets off.

Going to the vet is not cheap as surgical procedures are definitely costly. Pet owners must know their pets better to avoid such incidents. In worst cases, dogs may eat something that can kill them.

Basset hound dogs, according to the vet, have a tendency to eat stones. They are hunting hounds with a powerful nose and a craving for the chase. They can quickly pick up an interesting scent, which can tempt them to eat something unusual.

Rachelle Atkinson, owner of the dog, said she and her partner Scott had looked all over the place for the ring. They've searched every corner in the house before they begin to realize that it was Caroline who ate it.

The unaware dog is now back to her usual hunting mode. Atkinson hides her wedding ring somewhere far from Caroline's reach.