One of the eight Cavan escapees, Shane Henderson, bragged about his unlawful claim for freedom on Facebook. He seemed to tease authorities when he declared his unwillingness to surrender.

Shane along with 7 others fled the Cavan Training Center in northern Adelaide on Monday around 8 p.m. Police from South Australia immediately created an appeal to escapees and captured seven of them on the following days.

Shane was the last one to be captured. He named himself "Chopper" on Facebook with a profile picture of him holding a rifle.

He's 17 years old and was involved into a lot of other crimes such as theft, assault, driving offences and serious criminal trespass.

On Facebook, he has commented on a page displaying the controversial Cavan escape. An article talking about the incident with his picture on it caught his attention and immediately wrote a comment saying "How 'bout that!"

What he wrote immediately drew attention, which was then followed by a lot of other comments. Many joked about what he did by calling him a funny person and a gangsta.

Meanwhile, authorities gave a warning to the public not to get near him. Alby Quinn, chief Inspector of the Elizabeth Local Service, said her team has already received details regarding him from the area.

The entire South Australian Police (SAPOL) is currently searching for him. People from the community are advised to call police whenever they see him.

The intense searching from SAPOL will certainly create more stress and pressure on him, which would hopefully distract his attention from hiding. Authorities will continue looking until he will be found, arrested and detained.

The general secretary of the Public Service Association (PSA), requested a meeting with the Cavan staff. The union suggested that the facility may need extra personnel and enhanced metal detectors.