More nations and U.S. states are considering the legalisation of medical marijuana to provide relief to cancer and MS patients, but a comedian attributes the cure of his prostate cancer to the weed, and he is not cracking a joke.

Tommy Chong of the rock comic duo Cheech and Chong wrote on a blog post in that a year after being diagnosed of cancer, he is now cancer-free. He attributes the cure to change in diet, supplements and hash oil or hemp oil, made from varieties of Cannabis sativa, but does not have significant amounts of the psychoactive element, THC, found in marijuana.

Mr Chong, 74, sought treatment from a Canadian doctor recommended by a relative. He also had several sessions with a practitioner named Adam Dreamheater whom the comedian described as a world-renowned healer.

"I kicked cancer's ass ... So the magic plant does cure cancer with the right diet and supplements," wrote Mr Chong who will undergo another blood test, MRI and other procedures although he insists he feels well.

He even plans to celebrate the occasion with "a joint of the finest Kush."

The duo was featured in eight films from 1971 to 1985. Their debut film was Up in Smoke.

Although the comic pair went separate ways in the mid 1980s, they resumed touring together in 2008.