Is the US President a better person for having daughters?

A male employee who's boss is about to have a baby better pray for a daughter. A study titled, 'Fatherhood and Managerial Style' conducted by three researchers Michael S, Dahl, Cristian L. Dezso and David Gaddis Ross from Aalborg University, Robert H Smith School of Business, University of Maryland and Columbia Business School have found strange tidings when it comes to bosses, pay scale and daughters!

The study indicates that fathering a child has direct influence on pay scales meted out by the boss. A male CEO usually turns into a less generous paymaster after fathering a child - indicating he is husbanding his resources for the family and children.

The birth of a daughter influences this pay grade lesser than the birth of a son. And finally, the wages of female employees are less affected and in fact positively influenced once the boss father a child of either a gender.

Take the example of Bill Gates who famously rejected the advice to start a charitable institute but allegedly changed his mind after a year of the birth of his daughter as reported by New York Times. His mind bent was influenced to such a degree that within three years he was one of the world's most important philanthropists and has now donated more than $30 billion to charitable causes.

Apparently, daughters soften fathers - turn them gentler and more empathetic towards the plight of their employees, more so when it comes to female employees. Does that mean that the staff of the Duke of Cambridge is in for some pay cuts now that it's a royal baby boy?