'Black Sails'
A still from "Black Sails" season 4 of Starz. Facebook/ Starz

A preview video of “Black Sails” season 4 episode 3 has been released online. The pirates are preparing to retake Nassau, despite their many setbacks. There is also trouble with the leadership on the island, which may make the conquest a real possibility.

The following article contains spoilers from the next episode of “Black Sails” based on the preview video. Readers who don’t wish to know what happens next are advised to stop now.

Captain Flint (Toby Stephens) and his team continue to make plans to retake Nassau. In the preview video [see below] he says that he will leave once his mission is complete, or not at all. The strength of the pirate forces has been dwindling with each passing day, and after the fiasco with Billy (Tom Hopper) in the previous episode they may not have the strength fight the British forces head on.

There may be some good news for the pirates, however. Rackham (Toby Schmitz) appears to have a caught up with one of the ship that left Nassau. Woodes Rogers (Luke Roberts) was confident of evading Blackbeard (Ray Stevenson) by using his fastest ship. The Governor of Nassau may be in trouble in “Black Sails” season 4 episode 3.

While the pirates have a limited capacity to attack, Captain Berringer (Chris Larkin) wants to end the pirate resistance once and for all. In the absence of Woodes, Berringer is in charge. He will set out to find and kill all the traitors on the island, and even Max (Jessica Parker Kennedy) will not be spared.

Max was concerned about Captain Berringer being put in a position of immense power on the island. She was right. The British officer threatens her with death if she doesn’t cooperate.

Eleanor (Hannah New) will try to reason with Berringer, and advice him to end his brutal tactics. If the British officer doesn’t heed her warning, he may not be able to counter the consequences of divided loyalties on the island.

Will Flint and the other pirates take advantage of the prevailing chaos on the island? Long John Silver (Luke Arnold) is curiously shown very briefly in the preview video. The one-legged pirate may have something up his sleeve in the next episode.

“The end is about to begin,” Rackham says in the preview video. According to the official synopsis of “Black Sails” season 4 episode 3 Max will run afoul of the law, Rogers reckons with his past, and Flint reaches an understanding with Madi (Zethu Dlomo).

Credit: YouTube/ Starz