Justin Trudeau reacted to the government's opinion of him smoking pot. He said that the government is not in a mood to know the public opinion. The Liberal leader informed earlier that he had smoked marijuana once after he became an MP.

According to Mr Trudeau, he smoked pot about 3 years back after he had become an MP. He also disclosed that Michel, his brother, was charged for possession of marijuana before he had been killed in an avalanche accident.

Mr Trudeau's brother faced legal trouble due to possessing a small amount of marijuana. This incident turned out to be evolutionary for him as it was only during that period when he started thinking about the significance of marijuana laws in the country. Mr Trudeau did not make a big deal of him smoking pot when he was talking to the media on Thursday.

He did not take any other illegal drugs. He used marijuana very rarely in the past. If Mr Trudeau is to be believed, there have only been 5 or 6 occasions when he smoked pot in his entire life. It was not more than taking a puff, he said. He did not like smoking pot much. He further said that the reality was crystal clear when the government reacted to him smoking pot. It shows how offside the government is from the public opinion of the country.

The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police is strongly in favour of reforming drug laws of the country. They have earlier suggested that the practice of ticketing should be introduced during the situation when an offender is in possession of a small amount of pot. The limit is said to be 30 grammes. According to the authorities, the practice of ticketing will reduce the hazards for a police officer who has much more important things to do in his hectic schedule.

Mr Trudeau told the media that he would not be judgmental about someone who smoked pot.