Zack Snyder
Director Zack Snyder arrives for the world premiere of the film "Man of Steel" in New York June 10, 2013. Reuters/Lucas Jackson

Contrary to what many fans are expecting, a major comic book villain may not appear in “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice.” Fans continue to speculate about who the other major villain will be in the movie, apart from Lex Luthor. [Spoiler alert]

In an Instagram post, Sean Ray confirmed that the villain Doomsday is not in the forthcoming Zack Snyder Movie. Ray works as 3D character/creature artist at the Moving Picture Company, which in involved with the visual effects of the movie.

“Unfortunately he’s not in the film,” Ray said replying to a fan question about Doomsday. He, however, did not rule out the possibility of the character appearing in one of the future DC movies like the “Man of Steel” sequel or one of the forthcoming “Justice League” movies.

The comment evoked mixed responses from the fans, with some of them pointing out that it may be too early for DC to be introducing Doomsday in the movies. The fans also speculated that the main villain in “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” could be either Bizarro or Darkseid.

Many of the fans, however, strongly believe that Doomsday is the main villain in the movie and they shared their opinion with Ray in the comments section of his post. A previous report by HeroicHollywood had said that Doomsday is the main villain and the report had also shared details of a fight scene of the character with Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot).

The fight sequence between the two characters is said to involve Wonder Woman cutting off the hand of Doomsday. The villain, however, grows a “bone blade” from his arm and continues the fight with the bone blade acting as his replacement arm.

The producers have so far not confirmed who the main villain in “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” is. The dead body of General Zod (Michael Shannon) seen in the trailer of the movie has given rise to speculation that Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) will experiment of the alien body and create the main villain of the movie.

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