A baby formula made 100 per cent from New Zealand has been pulled by company from stores after a man raised suspicion via email that the milk formula may have caused his young daughter to get sick.

Lotcare infant formulas, produced by Homecare Health Management, were yesterday pulled from Pak 'n Save and New World stores.

Homecare Health Management told New Zealand Herald it was company policy to pull products from store shelves if a complaint, such as what the man has raised, should surface.

"Preliminary investigations suggest that the product is fully compliant with the Food Standards Code in regards to content and labeling," Foodstuffs spokeswoman Antoinette Shallue told the Herald, noting that the company pulled the milk formula as a precautionary measure.

The company is now investigating the man's complaint and results are expected to be released within one to two working days.

A man who bought Lotcare Gold Grow Up Nutritional Supplement from Mt Albert Pak 'n Save emailed the store Thursday to say his young daughter became sick after drinking the formula, the Herald reports.

However, no further details were released to describe how the young girl manifested sickness.

It was the only complaint received so far with regards to the specific milk formula.

Still, Homecare Health pulled the brand's range of infant formulas from stores as a precaution.

The Herald spoke to the Food Safety Authority, which said it would wait for the results of the investigation before making any step about the case.