Thousands of runners joined the highly deemed event of the New York City Marathon on Sunday and most of them came with a particular reason. Two of the 48,000 runners were identical autistic twins Alex and Jamie Schneider.

Both 23 years old, the special twins joined the New York City Marathon for the first time with just one aim: to find a way to interact with the world as both of them cannot speak because of their severe autism.

MSN reports that their parents have always noticed the twins enjoying the running activity. Since then, the entire Schneider family has considered running as an ultimate way for all of them to bond and connect with the autistic twins.

Alex and Jamie, the Autistic Twin Runners

The amazing twins have run a total of 10 races, all of which were joined with their guides too to help them out in handling the huge marathon crowds. Alex has Kevin McDermott as coach while Jamie runs with their dad.

ABC News stated that the twins' father Allan Schneider decided it was time for his sons to run when they reached 15 years old. And since then, both have been garnering numerous medals whether it is a 5K run or full blast marathons like that of New York City's.

Running For Charity

Alex and Jamie are running not just to achieve another milestone for their running goals but to raise funds for the Association for Science in Autism Treatment. It is also the twins' way to spread to many about the facts and other relevant information about autism and those who have it.

(Video Credit: YouTube/Latest World News)

Alex and Jamie may not live normal lives but they are one with the rest of us each time they run.

"But when we're running, it's an unspoken language," Mr Schneider explained with joy.