A mandarin-speaking couple kiss at sunrise
A mandarin-speaking couple kiss at sunrise on the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge to celebrate "Qixi festival", Chinese Valentine's day, in central Sydney, August 13, 2013. Reuters/Daniel Munoz

A recent global survey conducted by Durex has helped reveal the names of the most sexually satisfied countries in the world. Surprisingly, while Australia, Spain and Italy have made it to the list, some of the big nations—including the US, UK and France—are not among the top ten countries.

The list, prepared by AlterNet, is inspired from the survey conducted by Durex. During the survey, Durex questioned 26,000 people, aged 16 and above, from across 26 countries in the world. The subjects were asked questions about their level of sexual satisfaction in life. The survey analysis revealed that only 44 percent of the people across the world actually live a sexually satisfied life. The results were based on the overall mental and physical health of the participant and the frequency of foreplay or sex. In addition, all the selected participants were free from any kind of sexual dysfunction or stress.

“Achieving orgasm is a key driver of sexual satisfaction. Just 48 per cent of us (people in the US) said that they usually orgasm. Globally, twice as many men (64 per cent) as women regularly have orgasms,” said a representative from Durex, US.

While Switzerland, Spain and Italy top the list of the most sexually satisfied countries, other nations, including France and US were nowhere to be seen. Other countries that made it to the top ten list include Brazil, Greece, Netherland, Mexico, India, Australia and Nigeria respectively.

An earlier study conducted in 2014 claimed that socioeconomic status also tends to affect the sexual relationship between the partners and the level of sexual satisfaction. While a 2013 study revealed that 21 percent of the national population of Switzerland describe their sex lives. The country still continues to maintain the lowest teen birth rate in the country, thanks to the sex education programs that begin at an early stage.

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