Apple has recently been plagued with issues in their app store as Apple users are complaining that they have problems in updating their apps which causes most of the apps to crash.

This issue was unveiled when Marco Arment, the creator of Instapaper, received complaints from users that downloaded the update for the app. According to these users, the app "crashed immediately" once it was launched. The issue was not resolved even when users attempted to remove and reinstall the said app. Arment decided to look into the matter and found that there was a "corrupt update" from Apple. Apple then acknowledged this problem and informed Apple users to contact them immediately in order to determine if the problem is the app or the app store.

Apple has supposedly fixed the "glitch" that users experience when updating apps. Apple has also released a statement regarding this matter. Here is the statement released by Apple:

"We had a temporary issue that began yesterday with a server that generated DRM code for some apps being downloaded. The issue has been rectified and we don't expect it to occur again. Users who experienced an issue launching an app caused by this server bug can delete the affected app and re-download it."

iOS App Store Malware

Immediately after the app update issue, another issue plagued Apple as a new malware was found in the iOS App store. This is the first malware found in the iOS App store.

The malware was first discovered by Kaspersky antivirus and it was in the form of an app called "Find and Call". The app is available for download in both the Apple App store and Google Play (for Android). It was discovered that the APp was a Trojan that steals and upload the user's address book to a remote server. Once the data has been uploaded, the servier send smap to the mail addresses as well as the phone number wherein details about the app was revealed, enticing other people to download the app. Aside from that, this malware app also steals the GPS coordinates of the user's phone and uploads it in the server. The app claims to simplify the contact list.

Apple has already removed the said app according to Trudy Muller, a spokesperson for Apple. He revealed that "the Find and Call app has been removed from the App Store due to its unauthorized use of users' address book data, a violation of App Store guidelines".

The malware app has also been removed from Google Play as well.