If Brad Pitt can get married to Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston can also tie the knot with her beau Justin Theroux. While Hollywood actor Brad Pitt is rumored to wed actress Angelina Jolie this weekend, Pitt's ex-wife Jennifer Aniston announced her engagement. Do you think that this is intentional or just a pure coincidence?

The latest reports on the Pitt-Jolie wedding plans versus Aniston's engagement seem a bit absurd to be considered that the engagement announcement was done on purpose around the time that the "Brangelina" lavish wedding rumors circulated.

Meanwhile, Cherie Kerr, a crisis PR expert who has worked with plenty of celebrities has stated that this was not a coincidence either.

"I don't think it's coincidental," Kerr said. "It does seem like every time there has been some big thing from Brangelina's camp, something else comes out on Aniston. Even if it wasn't done on purpose, why not wait so the announcement could have focused on just her? Now it just reminds everyone of Jennifer Aniston's sad past," Kerr further added.

A lot of fans have feared that Jennifer Aniston, the queen of romantic comedy movies, might never find her lasting love in real life. Now, the former "Friends" star has proudly announced to the world that she will marry "Wanderlust" actor Justin Theroux. In doing so, it appears that Jennifer Aniston has finally upstaged her ex-husband Brad Pitt.

The recent news of Jennifer Aniston's engagement continues to swirl numerous rumors around Hollywood between her, Brad Pitt and his fiancée Angelina Jolie and the controversy involving three of them does not seem to cease. Even though there is no direct proof pointing to a coordinated PR attack, there are a couple of publicists who believe that the timing of Aniston's engagement announcement sounds suspicious.