Nathan Parker, age 9, found in Canley Vale School. CREDIT:

Missing 9-year-old boy, Nathan Parker, was found walking to his school, Canley Vale Public School, the morning after his disappearance. Earlier this week, it was reported that Parker, who usually walked the short distance from school to his home, was missing. Seen last on his way home from school, the boy never made it home. A search for the child was immediately set up, complete with descriptions of his clothing and built for the public.

One can only imagine the relief felt by Parker's mother, Kim Parker, when she was called to say that her son had turned up in Canley Vale. The culprit behind the boy's disappearance-- An "unauthorized sleepover". Though it hasn't yet been made clear what the child means by his statement, his mother is just thankful that nothing terrible or fatal had happened to the young child; although, Kim Parker is quick to say that Nathan will now be kept on "a short leash" when it comes to his after-school activities. Police are also looking into Parker's statement as it is out of character for him to disappear; they are still regarding the incident as a serious concern for the boy's safety.

Superintendent Wayne Murray spoke to 702 Sydney about the overnight search for the missing boy, "It's fantastic for the community and obviously our emergency services, our partners that helped out through the night and into the morning." Murray also has a word of caution for children and parents, so as to avoid more cases like this from happening. "Let your mum and dad know where you're going, and number two if you happen to get a young child that comes into your home and obviously wants to have a bit of a sleepover, you must contact the parent and be responsible," he said.

In situations concerning a child Parker's age, the police are quick to point out that there is no such thing as an overreaction to the situation-- it is better to make sure that all avenues for locating a child be made. In this story, the old adage "better safe than sorry" truly applies.