Stroke Can Occur Due To Regularly Long Hours Of Sleep
In photo: Though the number of men suffering from heart issues are double than that of women, the death rate is almost equal. Reuters

Heart attack is one of the leading causes of death of men and women around the world. This silent killer often shows no symptoms, which is why many of its victims are unaware of its presence. Fortunately, you can tell through these signs whether or not you’re a candidate for heart attack.

  1. You have chest discomfort

Many heart attack patients often complain about having chest pains as if someone is putting pressure or squeezing at the centre of their chest. Sometimes, this discomfort occurs for only a few minutes or goes away and returns after a while.

  1. You experience pain in your upper body

Another common sign is pain or discomfort in the upper part of your body. This includes arms, back, jaw, neck and even your stomach. Headache and toothache are also experienced.

  1. You always seem to catch your breath

Shortness of breath is a sign to watch out for, too. This is sometimes accompanied by chest pain or discomfort. You feel like you’re not taking in sufficient air so you have to breathe rapidly.

  1. You have heartburn

Heartburn or acid reflux is common among heart attack candidates. Normally, people experience heartburn after eating foods that triggers the body to produce more acid than usual.

  1. You have nausea

Dizziness or nausea, which is accompanied by vomiting, is a sign of a possible heart attack. You always feel dizzy and nauseated even if you’re well-rested or aren’t suffering from headache or eye problems.

  1. You have back pain

Back pain is normal especially if you have a condition that affects your spinal cord as well as the ligaments and nerves surrounding your spine. However, back pain not caused by such condition can be a source of alarm, more so if it’s always coming back. It could be a sign of a heart attack waiting to happen.

  1. You have this vague feeling of being ill

Do you often have this inkling that something is just not right with your body in such a way that you feel sick but couldn’t pin down what’s really wrong? This condition is known as malaise. Many heart attack patients observed having this vague feeling of illness before they suffered from this heart ailment.

If you experience any of the signs mentioned above, there’s a possibility that you’re most likely be a candidate for heart attack. Seek your doctor’s advice to prevent and treat your condition right away.

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