The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge seem to be tired of the spotlight after their much-talked about North American tour, and a royal insider confirms its truth.

After countless press events, receptions, welcome ceremonies and galas attended across Canada and California, Prince William and Kate Middleton wish to keep off the press for a little while. A royal insider reveals the reasons why the most photographed couple of the year wants to keep it on the down low. "The Duke is going for his flying captaincy which he hopes to get in early 2012. He needs to keep up his flying hours and there are some exams to get through, a lot of work needs to be done and he has to dedicate himself to that" says the royal insider in a report posted on gossip site She Knows.

In the report, originally by the UK Daily Mail, the source reveals a far more important reason for the Royal Couple's wish to keep off the cameras for a while. "The second reason for taking a step back is more personal. They have not really lived together since their wedding and want to spend time together" says the source in the same report. "They just want to enjoy their life in Anglesey and (keep) things chilled", continues the insider in the same post sourced by the Daily Mail.

With this announcement, is it safe to assume that the couple is getting ready to start a family?