Episode 3 of “The Walking Dead” left fans heartbroken after a major character, Glenn, seemed to have met his demise at the hands of zombies. Given the shocking development, showrunner Scott Gimple weighed in on the character’s fate for season 6 of the AMC hit zombie apocalyptic series.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter (THR), Gimple was “ambiguous” about Glenn’s “demise” in the latest episode of “The Walking Dead.” Episode 3, titled “Thank You,” showed two character deaths namely Michael Traynor’s Nicholas who died from a fatal gunshot on the head, and that of Steven Yeun’s character Glenn. Glenn was attacked by zombies after Nicholas’ limp body accidentally pushed him off the dumpster and into the walker horde.

However, fans think that Glenn’s death may not be real, given the way that Nicholas’ body landed on top of him which would have potentially shielded him from the zombie attack. Unfortunately, “The Walking Dead” boss Gimple neither denied nor confirmed Glenn’s death. Gimple told THR that the next time viewers will see the character,“some version of Glenn or parts of Glenn” will be shown “either in flashback or in the current timeline.”

“We will complete the story,” he added. “That's the important thing. That's what people are feeling, and it will be this half of the season.”

Although when Gimple was asked about Glenn’s story being completed in season 6 of “The Walking Dead,” the showrunner said during his THR interview that it's something where "[he] must [remain] ambiguous.”

Meanwhile, Yeun addressed the possibility of his death in an interview with Vanity Fair. Just ahead of “The Walking Dead” season 5, the actor was asked whether fans should be worried about his survival in the hit AMC series. Yeun replied that he was “game for anything” especially if it serves the story and even asked the show’s fans to have an open mind about that possibility.

“We talk in terms of ‘are you afraid to get killed off?’ And for me, if it serves the story, I’m game for anything. I hope people can watch the show in that same regard... That’s kind of been on my mind lately because you notice a lot of fans saying “we want you to live, or we want this person to die” and it’s like, that’s not what the show’s about.”

Fans of the zombie apocalypse series will need to tune in to upcoming episodes to find out more about Glenn’s story.

“The Walking Dead” season 6 airs on AMC every Sunday in the U.S. and every Monday in Australia on Foxtel’s FX channel.

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