‘The Walking Dead’ Season 6 spoilers: It will be a bloody Valentine with an insane number of walkers

“The Walking Dead” Season 6 second half will be hitting TV screens Feb. 14, Sunday, on AMC and fans have every reason to be super-excited.
[Spoiler Alert] However fans in Russia were a little bit more excited as a major midseason premiere spoiler revealed in promotional art featured a major character in the show.
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SpoilerTV revealed a photo of Carl Grimes’ (Chandler Riggs) horrific fate. The key art was originally release by Fox Russia. In the photo, Carl is seen wearing an eye patch and a head bandage. This more or less confirms that Rick Grimes’ (Andrew Lincoln) eldest son Carl is all set to lose his right eye. The new episode has been titled “No Way Out.”
The Spoiling Dead Fans first reported about Carl’s injury in August 2015. Moreover, according to The “Walking Dead” fan site, Carl will lose his right eye while he, Rick, Michonne (Danai Gurira), Sam Anderson (Major Dodson), Jessie Anderson (Alexandra Breckenridge) and Ron Anderson (Austin Abrams) wade through the massive herd of walkers inside Alexandria.
Fans of the comic books are aware of the fact that it is during this point in the comics where Carl gets accidentally shot in the eye during the zombie invasion of Alexandria. However, the TV show may show Carl getting shot in an attempt to save his dad from a bullet shot by Ron.
At least, the photo confirms Carl’s fate, writes Undead Walking. Rick will rush Carl to the community's infirmary where Denise Cloyd (Merritt Weaver) will do her best to save the young Grimes.
“The Walking dead” Season 6 will also have an insane number of walkers, revealed executive producer Greg Nicotero.
“With reshoots and with additional photography and things, I think we were over 1,300 walkers for episode,” Nicotero told Entertainment Weekly.