Someone is ready to take a swing and smash Glenn's head and the man can be comics rogue Negan. "The Walking Dead" Season 5 trailer shows Glenn in danger because of an unnamed character who is about to hit him.

Warning: Spoilers! Alert

This article contains spoilers from the comic books.

The sequence from the trailer is scarily close to a deadly scene from "The Walking Dead" comics. In the 100th issue, fans meet the leader of The Saviors - Negan. He is a complete bada** and uses violence to control Alexandria Safe-Zone (near Washington D.C.). It is the same place where Rick and others stayed for three years. The Saviors and Rick's team engage in a clash for Alexandria. Later, Negan takes Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Sophia, Maggie Greene, Michonne, Glenn and Heath into custody.

The group meets Lucille - a deadly baseball bat covered with barbed wire. It is Negan's weapon of choice. He uses Lucille to beat Glenn to death.

Greg Nicotero, "The Walking Dead" special-effects guru, director and executive producer told Yahoo TV that the scene is in the Season 5 trailer for a reason.

"We can see anything this season. Anything is possible --- and good eye," said "The Walking Dead" comic book writer Robert Kirkman to The Hollywood Reporter.

Showrunner Scott M. Gimple said to see the trailer closely to check "if there was barbed wire around the bat."

They also revealed that the new trailer has a lot of "misdirection."

Nicotero told Yahoo TV that Season 5 will pick things up from where they left off.

"If I said "movie," I probably meant "huge, gigantic movie that almost killed me." But it was a blast at the exact same moment. Yeah, I mean... we never really started [a season] with a direct cut [from the previous season]. Season 2 to Season 3, there was an eight-month jump, and Season 3 to Season 4, there was an eight-month jump. But since we ended the Season 4 finale on Rick's line - "They're screwing with the wrong people" - we left on a cliffhanger, and we're going to pick up directly where we left off," said Nicotero.

"The Walking Dead" Season 5 airs Sunday, October 12, 2014 on AMC.