Recently, a virus has been identified by the Penn State researchers. The newly identified virus can kill harmful and deadly breast cancer cells. Though this virus is harmful to cancer, studies showed that the virus is benign to humans.

Researchers named it adeno-associated virus type 2. Because the virus is surrounded with spikes, it looks like a threat to one’s health. But the truth is, this type of virus has not yet proven to have negative effects on humans. The results of the study show that this virus can kill the cancer cells in all three stages of breast cancer which is really helpful. Each stage of breast cancer requires different treatment and this has been among the common problem in treating the disease.

However, it hasn’t been known how the virus kills cancer cells. And this is essential in developing drugs and other types of treatments. Therefore, more studies are needed to know more about the virus and to create medications and treatments against breast cancer. Perhaps, researchers may also found that this virus can also cure other types of cancer.

In fact, other studies already claim that adeno-associated virus type 2 can also kill cervical cancer cells. However, these studies were not able to provide any conclusion.

To verify the effect of this type of virus, it has to undergo different stages. The first stage is where scientists try to analyze the effects of the virus on animals. When the first stage is done, three stages will be next and this time, they will undergo human trials. These last three stages are the most rigorous and the most difficult part of the study but these stages are closer to formulating a conclusion.

Breast Cancer and The World

About 1 in 8 women in U.S. suffer from breast cancer. It is known to be the most prevalent cancer all over the world. Millions of women already died because of this disease including some of the well known personalities like Gloria Stuart, Myrna Loy, Julia Child, Paulette Goddard, and many more.

Though breast cancer can be treated, maintenance and monitoring should be done to make sure that the disease will not come back. However, most women who suffered from breast cancer died because of the recurrence. Therefore, women should be aware that their breast cancer can grow back even if they survived the disease.