'Vikings' season 5 episode 3 preview: Trouble in York

There will be trouble at York for the sons of Ragnar (Travis Fimmel) in “Vikings” season 5 episode 3. A preview video of next episode shows the start of a war on multiple fronts. The friction between brothers will lead to an open fight for power.
The sons of Ragnar have assembled a great army, and they have also won many battles. However, their victory celebration at York will be cut short, according to the synopsis of episode 3. The preview video posted on YouTube shows Bishop Heahmund (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) marching on the city with his soldiers.
Heahmund is confident of his victory and claims a vision promising him the deaths of the invaders of their lands. The sons of Ragnar are also aware of this threat, and Ivar (Alex Høgh Andersen) is equally confident of victory.
No matter who wins in the next battle at York, the consequence will not be good for the sons of Ragnar. Ivar is keen on taking over the leadership of the great army by himself, and he will ask his brothers to declare this. Ubbe (Jordan Patrick Smith) will certainly not agree, leading to a fight between brothers.
Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick) will also get involved in the fight. She will offer her support to Ubbe against Ivar, in return for support for her fight against King Harald Finehair (Peter Franzén).
King Harald will establish his capital for a united kingdom of Norway in the next episode. He will take his soldiers and march against Lagertha to take control of Kattegat.
Bjorn (Alexander Ludwig), on the other hand, will cross the ocean and explore new lands. Floki (Gustaf Skarsgård) is convinced that the gods have taken him to a new place where he landed on in the previous episode, and he will attempt to settle this land with his people.